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"We visited secluded spots in a national forest and hot mineral springs and had incredible healing and soul-connecting experiences. Devina has a healing energy that opens up self-discovery within yourself"

Women's Spiritual Summer Camp West Virginia!

  • Are you ready for an adventure?

  • Do you long for healing and meaningful connections?

  • Do you have the desire to disconnect from electronics and social media?

  • Do you want to meet spiritual women in a fun, friendly environment?

If so, you are invited to join us for a 3-night experience in the magical forest of the Appalachian Mountains of wild West Virginia with a trip to soak in the mineral springs in Bath County, VA!

Learn More



West Virginia 

Join us for the Women's Spiritual Camp in beautiful and wild West Virginia! This women's healing retreat will be held in Watoga State Park, WV from Sept 1-4. Nestled in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains, our retreat location is surrounded by lush green forests and babbling brooks, providing the perfect environment for playing, spiritual reflection and rejuvenation.


Women's Retreat

Theme: Artemis of the Forest

This "summer camp" style retreat is designed for women who are seeking to connect with their spiritual selves, other spiritual women and explore metaphysical concepts. Our experienced camp leader-facilitators will guide you through a variety of workshops, classes, and activities that are designed to help you tap into your inner strength, and wisdom and connect with the divine.

We have a full weekend planned that includes an opening circle, a field trip to an old-growth forest with 300-year-old trees, an outing to the healing waters of warm springs, morning Yoga, a crafting workshop, a celebration with ecstatic dance, and energetic healing with attunements so that you can leave feeling renewed on your healing journey.


This year's theme is "Artemis in the Forest", we invite you to join us in the mystical forest to tap into your strength and independence through the Goddess Archetype of Artemis.


Summer 2023

3 Nights - Sept 1-4, 2023


Event Leaders

Meet our Co-Collaborators


Kristin Thoms

Devina St. Claire

Event Coordinator-Facilitator

At the age of 10 years old, I enjoyed a memorable experience at summer camp and this serves as the inspiration behind this gathering. I am excited  to share my gifts in Shamanic Energy Healing with the group where we get to play in the realms of possibility and miracles. I discovered Matrix Energetics in 2010 and became a Reiki Master by 2012. I began learning how to work with the elements via Priestess training around the same year.


Together we will be open to adventure and invite magic and miracles into this experience.

Yoga Instructor

  • 200 hour Hatha YTT

  • 200 hour Tantra YTT

  • Yoga Nidra Certification

  • Ayurvedic Nutrition Certification

  • My Vinyasa Practice:

  • Shamanic Reiki Worldwide-Reiki 1 & 2

My passion for yoga began with my personal practice, seeking balance and mental resilience to combat burnout and fatigue. I am drawn to the mystical power we all contain, at the crossroads of spirituality, philosophy, psychology, law of attraction/manifestation, and mystery. Inspired to deepen my awareness and find community with others on this path, I attended a 500 hour yoga teacher training through The Kaivalya Yoga Method. 

My intention is to bring us in touch with our higher selves and intuition, through hatha and vinyasa flows, pranayama, meditation, and constructive rest.

EGR Spiritual Camp.png

Get Tickets!

There are only 12 spaces available.

Book early to save your spot!

What's Included

1. Meals, Beverages

Two lunches, and two dinners. Water, tea, and coffee are available daily.

2. Classes, Workshops

 A Wreath for our Head Workshop- we will craft our symbolic laurel wreath with craft materials and natural materials to serve as a symbol of triumph. 

2 / Classes, Workshops

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4. Excursions
  • Experience an old-growth forest with 300-year-old trees, soak in the healing waters of the warm mineral springs, and visit a three-tiered waterfall. 

Sign me up!

Join us!

If you are ready to explore a magical forest, make new connections and open for an adventure, this is the experience for you!


exclusive first-year pricing!


Event T-Shirts

Get your Limited 'Artemis Watoga State Park' and 'Wild is Wonderful' 

Summer Camp Tees here!

Tops, T-Shirts

at Cliffs with group behind me.jpeg

Devina St. Claireが主催、





Earth Goddess Risingは、共有されるパワーがパワーの倍増であることを理解しています。私たちは、姉妹たちの個人的な癒しの旅を支援することをお約束します。ここ数年は、恐怖、不安、トラウマ、そして多くの人にとって孤立と鬱病に満ちています。このリトリートは、私たちの癒しと精神的および感情的な幸福に必要であるだけでなく、不可欠なものです。私たちは、志を同じくする女性たちと安全で落ち着いた環境で再統合するための一歩を踏み出しました。自然は癒しであり、このリトリートの目的は癒しです。エクササイズを通じて女神の原型と協力しながら、心、体、精神を癒します。


私たちは、女性が心、体、そして精神的な探求のために集まるための安全な容器を提供できることを嬉しく思います。 Earth Goddess Risingリトリートは、心、体、精神を癒し、若返らせることを目的とした魔法の体験です。私たちは精神的(宗教的ではない)、ニューエイジ、形而上学的な自然愛好家です。私たちはヨガ、スピリットアニマル、クリスタル、瞑想、エネルギーワーク、自然治癒とホリスティックヒーリングに興味を持っています。あなたがこれらに共鳴するなら、あなたは私たちの魂の部族の一部です!



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