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Varázslatos, emlékezetes 

Célunk, jövőképünk és elkötelezettségünk

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As Seen In:



Varázslatos élményeket és átalakuló kalandokat teremtünk női spirituális csoportos túráinkon, workshopjainkon, foglalkozásainkon és wellness elvonulásainkon keresztül.
A Earth Goddess Rising eseményeket azért hozták létre, hogy ihletet keltsenek, ünnepeljék az életet, elősegítsék a gyógyulást és a szellem növekedését.

Women's Spiritual Group Tours: Ireland & Scotland

Women's Spiritual Group Tours: Ireland & Scotland

Embark on a transformative journey with our Women's Spiritual Group Tour through the enchanting landscapes of Ireland and Scotland! Join like-minded women as we delve into the rich spiritual heritage and breathtaking natural beauty of these mystical destinations. Highlights: - Sacred Sites Exploration: Immerse yourself in the ancient energy of sacred sites such as Stonehenge, the Blarney Stone, and more, as we connect with the spiritual history of these lands. - Goddess and Celtic Traditions: Dive into the captivating world of Celtic and Goddess traditions through workshops and discussions, led by knowledgeable guides well-versed in the region's spiritual history. - Stunning Landscapes: Traverse rolling emerald hills, misty moors, and serene lochs, letting the beauty of the Irish and Scottish landscapes nourish your soul. - Local Culture and Cuisine: Engage with local communities, savor traditional cuisine, and enjoy traditional music and dance, immersing yourself in the authentic spirit of the region. Why Choose Our Women's Spiritual Group Tours: 1. Tailored for Spiritual Women:  Created exclusively for women, our tour provides a safe and supportive space to foster connections and personal growth. 2. Expert Guides: Our experienced local guides blend historical knowledge with spiritual insights, offering a holistic understanding of the sites and traditions we explore. 3. Small Group Experience: Travel in an intimate group, allowing for deeper connections, personalized attention, and meaningful interactions. 4. Inner and Outer Exploration: Balance outer adventures with inner journeys, ensuring a holistic and transformative experience that resonates long after the tour ends. 5. Flexible Itinerary: Our well-planned itinerary combines must-see landmarks with flexibility, allowing for spontaneous moments of exploration and reflection.
Costa Rica - WhaleSong video

„A vad nők az élet megmagyarázhatatlan szikrái. Szivárog belőlük a szabadság és a tudatosságra törekszenek, nem tartoznak senki máshoz, csak önmagukhoz, mégis adnak egy darabot abból, akik ők mindenkivel, akivel találkoznak. Ha találkoztál eggyel, ragaszkodj hozzá, beenged a káoszba, de megmutatja a varázslatát is.”

-Nikki Rowe

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